Air Quality Services

Air Quality Services

prioritize the air you breathe! As we navigate a world that increasingly values health and well-being, the importance of maintaining high indoor air quality cannot be overstated. ensure that your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system not only keeps you comfortable but also contributes to a healthy living and working environment.

The AirScrubber

by Aerus®

The AirScrubber by Aerus® attaches directly to the HVAC system ductwork to reduce viruses, bacteria, and other contaminants in the ambient air and on surfaces while the HVAC fan is running.

Patented ActivePure is an advanced surface and air purification technology. It has been proven to reduce up to 99.9% of many common airborne and surface contaminants.

Why we love the air scrubber!

Air SCrubber Mini EM

By Aerus®

The Air Scrubber Mini EM or External Mount with ActivePure® is an innovative, ozone-free, air treatment system that easily mounts externally onto existing Mini Split HVAC systems. When the Air Scrubber Mini EM by Aerus is properly installed and activated, advanced oxidizers are released into the air that immediately begins reducing airborne pollutants.

ActivePure® Technology uses light waves and a catalytic process to produce scrubber ions that remove dust particles from the air. Certified Space Technology continuously protects and purifies the air, and attacks contaminants on all surfaces.

Meet the Air Scrubber Mini EM!

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